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contoh kalimat fellow comrade

"fellow comrade" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • And murders your commissioner and nine of your fellow comrades.
    Membunuh komisaris dan sembilan saudara kalian.
  • I hope the Prefecture can adjust the wages of our fellow comrades
    Kuharap Prefektur (Wilayah Administrasi tingkat 2) dapat menyesuaikan upah kawan-kawan kita.
  • You must protect your fellow comrades by shutting down any links you have to them.
    Kau harus melindungi rekanmu. Tutupi semua hubunganmu dengan mereka.
  • A year later, the troops known as the... "Iron Pioneers", returned proudly to China and was reunited with their fellow comrades.
    1 tahun kemudian, pasukan yang dikenal sebagai "Iron Pioneers" kembali dengan bangga ke Cina.
  • Officer, listen. None for your fellow comrades... they don't want to give me the time of day. But you look like you're a thinking-Outside
    Pak, dengar, tidak satu pun dari rekanmu..mau mendengarku, tetapi kau jenis orang yang berpikir tidak seperti orang pikirkan.